David Midgley
BioDavid Midgley
Owner Founder of Ingeniven Fluoropolymer Solutions LLC
I started flying and making dual line stunt kites almost 40 years ago, and one thing led to another. I graduated to kite buggying and started going to Ivanpah almost 20 year ago. As I got older I wanted something that was less risky and while at Ivanpah one year I was introduced to blokart sailing. I have continued to attend the Ivanpah event and have developed many lifelong friendships. I became the secretary of NABSA shortly after joining and then was elected as President.
Sharon and I have met many friends from all over the world thru Blokart sailing and we always look forward to those times when we are together.

Bob Casey
BioBob Casey
Vice President
Founding Vice President of NABSA. I started Blokarting in 2004 and became a dealer at that time. I met Paul Beckett at Ivanpah in 2004, along with several other New Zealand sailors.
In 2005, I sponsored the first all-Blokart race at Ivanpah. Also, in 2005, I attended the First Blokart New Zealand National Championship. I then organized the Windseekers Blokart Association, which supported Blokart racing at Ivanpah, up to and including the establishment of NABSA. I credit them all with being the founders of Blokart racing at Ivanpah and throughout the U.S.
I was also the first United States IBRA representative to help establish many racing rules for the production category, which the performance category enjoyed.
I learned to sail 24 and 30 foot sailboats on Lake Tahoe, and enjoyed sailing my 17 foot Venture there until I discovered Blokart landsailing—less hassle and faster than water boats! Ready to sail in 15 minutes or less!
It has been my pleasure to enjoy and serve the sport of Blokarting for the past 21 years.

Francis Gramkowski
BioFrancis Gramkowski
Eastern Regional Representative
Founding President of the North American Blokart Sailing Association.
Owner East Coast Landsailing, LLC
I have been going to Ivanpah for 30 years, first starting with Kite Buggies organizing a kite buggy event. Spring Break Buggy Blast in 1995 and transiting into Blokart around 2009. By 2011, we formed NABSA and started organizing our event with sailors from Spain, France and New Zealand attending. After organizing Blokart World Championships and NABSA's annual events we are into 2025.
Locally the “Jersey Boys” just organized a formal club, “Mid-Atlantic Blokart Sailors”. We regularly sail on the beaches in Wildwood, NJ and Brigantine, NJ off the beach we sail at Bader Field,Atlantic City, NJ, a closed airport that we rent for daily use.
So my life continues on as a confirmed “Wind Junkie” still enjoying the wind flying Kites and sailing Blokarts, occasionally still jumping on a friends Hobie.

Dave Lussier
BioDave Lussier
Dave has been involved in Blokarting since joining NABSA in 2018 and establishing the BK dealership New England Land Sailors (NELS). During that time, he has sailed in 4 North Americans (NAs) at Ivanpah, 8 regattas at Loring AFB in Maine, 3 events at Bader Field NJ, and many local events he personally organized more local to Newport Rhode Island where he lives. Dave enjoys both the social and competitive racing aspects of all the events.
Dave is the official International Blokart Racing Association (IBRA) rep for NABSA (USA), serving on the committee that maintains the Blokart one design rules and organizes the bi-annual Blokart World Championships around the globe. Dave has been on the podium 3/4 of the NA events and has become the NABSA Race Committee chair organizing the racing aspects for our annual NA event. Dave has been involved in organizing and participating in many on water multihull racing events having grown up sailing Hobie Cats then transitioning to owning/racing Corsair trimarans for the past 25 years. Dave won the Corsair Nationals in 1999 on an F27 and currently races/cruises on a Corsair F31.
During the 2018 NA event at Ivanpah, Scott Young and Dave set the Blokart world speed record at 77.7mph while racing in the final race of the event when a haboob (desert storm) passed through the race area generating winds >50mph. Scott and Dave exchanged the lead 4 times in two laps before the race was called off due to high winds and low visibility.
Dave is married to Sheri and has 1 daughter who lives/works in RI. Dave has a degree in Electrical Engineering and “test drove” US Navy nuclear subs for a living (been to the north pole twice on subs and did many other interesting trips). Dave retired in 2023 from a $100M company he ran as President at the end of his 30yr career with SEACORP.
Dave recognizes there are >16K Blokarts in the world and <750 in USA, but most are not participating in “racing” events as typical sailors are intimidated with BK racing. While he works constructively to ensure IBRA racing rules make racing fun and uniform/competitive, he also focuses on events being inclusive of more “fun” racing/sailing to entice more participation, grow the sport, and grow the number of venues we have for Blokart sailing in general.

John Wright
BioJohn Wright
Board Member
Greetings from Colorado!
I am Married to my Beautiful Wife Maureen for 42 Years.
My Sailing Addiction started back in 1967 while I was in Scouting.
My Dad, while serving in the US Marine Corp at Camp Pendleton San Diego.
I was in 3 Youth Groups. Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts, and USMC Devil Pups..
Sea Scouts had me hooked. Special Services purchased Hobie 14’s to use in the “Turn-Around” Basin at Camp Del Mar Harbor near my Dad’s Office. My racing started with El-Toro’s and Optimist's here.
I have owned in my years, H 14’s, H 14 Turbo, H 16, H Getaway, Bimare A-cat, and now Evolved into “Dry Sailing” and to this day, I still have all but the Getaway. Sadly Toy Trimming is in my Future says my Kids.
Dry Sailing, Dust Bowl Sailing, Dragon Ass Sailing, or Better put “NoTime To Think” Sailing can describe Blokarting Well. I’m sure you have many more NickNames better than mine!
Now 10 Years in, and at the Ripe Age of 70. I admit I have reached ZEN! The Art of “Slow & Smooth”. (Maureens says that alot?)
My other Hobbies include Volunteering as a Firearms NRA Training Counselor for Scouting America. Served as Director of Shooting Sports for Greater Colorado Council for over 20 years. I love Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clay sand 5 Stand. Or Just Plain Blowing Stuff Up!
I also love Gravel Bicycle Racing, (Canyon Grail) Motorcycles, (BMWS1000XR) keeps my Adrenaline Rich and Wallet Thin! OK Enough About Me. What about you?
See Ya on the Playa!

Aiden Schmiedlin
BioAiden Schmiedlin
Madison, WI
I have been sailing at Ivanpah since 2019 and sailing blokarts since 2018. Additionally, I have been sailing soft water boats ever since I can remember and ice boats for the past few years. I love sailing of all forms and want to see the sport grow.
As one of the youngest racers, and certainly the youngest board member, it's exciting to see new people join and connect with the community as well as learn from the years of experience from our older sailors.
I love to race and go fast and I am excited too see you on the race course or trying to set a new personal record as we're flying across the ground.